Le patrimoine du Guillestrois

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Icône représentant : ruralusine à plâtre

More informationVillage of Eygliers
From the beginning of the century until 1932 a plaster factory existed at the foot of the Mont-Daupin outcrop near the chapel of St. Guillaume. The plaster was made from gypsum collected at Réotier. Plaster and whitewash, widely used by masons at the time, were produced in the kilns here.

Icône représentant : ruralMaison Curnier de Lavalette

More informationVillage of Guillestre
One of the most interesting houses in the historic center of Guillestre, facing the Albert fountain. Note all the architectural details that make this the home of a notable: trompe l'oeil frames, painted stonework on the corners, the sundial, all the matching stones in Guillestre marble ...

Icône représentant : ruralMaison Grenette

More informationVillage of Guillestre
Grenette House like Curnier Lavalette House is one of the most impressive houses in Guillestre. It probably dates from the 16th century and bears the marks of many changes over the years. Note the imitation concrete stones around the door and window frames and at street level and its 21 windows.

Icône représentant : ruralferme grande rue

More informationVillage of Guillestre
This beautiful farmhouse built in the oldest part of Guillestre boasts of a higher standard of living, more comfortable than the majority of the peasants enjoyed at the time. Note the double entrance, Guillestre pink marble steps, the columns in the stables, the painted trompe l'oeil plastering.

Icône représentant : ruralancien hôtel Imbert

More informationVillage of Guillestre
Guillestre has always been an important staging post and commercial centre for travelers traveling over the Col de Vars but also because of its position at the intersection of two valleys, so there has been a hotel here since the middle of the 19th century. Various fairs and gatherings attracted people from far and wide coming to trade.

Icône représentant : ruralThe Green Stone

More informationVillage of Risoul
From the 11th to the 19th century, Guillestre and Risoul were very closely linked, so a careful system had to be put in place to manage their common interests. The charter of 1329 stipulated that joint consuls from opposing villages were to be elected to wield their authority over both. The heads of households voted for the consuls.
